Sunday, May 15, 2016

94% -Oracle Certified Expert - Java Web Service Developer 1Z0-897- How to pass the exam 2016 May

Hi Guys,
I just passed the 1ZO-897 exam on 30th April 2016 would like to share some of the resources and exam tips for anyone who would like to do this exam
I studied for 4 months yet I put everything I had during these four months
These are the resources I used

  1. Java Web Service Up and Running 2nd Edition. I actually read this book three times only to realize that I understood the concepts fully on the last attemp. So do not hesitate to read this over and over  atleast two times, with hands on practicals. Play with the code and the book, you will only discover more..
  2. Kaushik (KK) TutotrialsWell, went through this tutorials twice and was really helpful. Its best that if you can have a short while watching these tutorials 
  3. MyExamCloud mock examsThis was the starting point for my exam preparation. 
  4. Miklai Notes
  5. Mikilai Exam questions

will update more details. yet, if anyone wants these resources you can email me

The complete exam preparation guide

  1. Read the Book Java Web Service Up and Running 2nd Edition
  2. Start doing coding practising while reading the Book and explore more
  3. Half way through the book, you can start watching the KK tutorials and learn more
  4. Once you have complete reading the book, just start doing the MyCloud exams.
  5. First three exams you can do with the help of Internet. Yet make sure that you go through the set of questions once done and read the explanation and have a solid understanding of the question. One way or other, if you get the same question you should be able to explain that and give the correct answer.
  6. KK video tutorials and Java Web Service Up and running book do not cover the whole syllabus, so pay attention to other areas which is not covered by the above two sources.
  7. Read the Java EE standard web service documentation which is about 60 pages. Some of the questions which are in MyExam cloud you could simply find in that documentation
  8. Make sure you have a general idea of the design patterns, such as Adapter, Service locator,etc
  9. Mikalai notes will cover almost rest of the things in the syllabus. Specially the topics such as XLST, DOM, JAXB, SAAJ. (Most of the low level concepts). Reading these are a must. Mainly focus on chapter 10 to 13 in Mikalai Notes
  10. Get the questions of Mikalai. These questions are really handy yet you might find some questions would create confusion. There could be old syllabus questions as well. The best thing is there will be a description and make sure you read that and understand.
  11. Make a 10 page short note. I basically include the following for the 10 page short note. Code smaples from the Java Web Service up and running which would recall the a summary, low level api with their featutes, design patterns summary, wsdl summary, JAXB data types to Java data types, annotation summary , interface summary , diagrams of Java Web  Service up and running and MZ notes etc.
  12. Always have a summary of what ever you read. I maintained a summary for the video tutorials , Java Web service up and running and MZ notes.
  13. Finally two weeks prior to the exam repeat all the mock exams without the help of any other source or internet. 
  14. And finally this is my exam results.
94% for the Oracle Certified Expert in Java Web Service Developer
If you do need help in finding resources please feel free to email me. Further, please note commercial mock exams like MyExamCloud has to be purchase where I wont be able to give you.